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Where were the suffrage organizations in Boston?

Boston has many buildings and sites related to suffrage, and Scituate has a few. I have now documented a number of these in the state's online database, MACRIS. You can access them from here.


And below is a chart (as of April 15, 2020) showing the sites of major suffrage organizations in Boston, one of the nation's most important cities for suffrage activism. (The blank spots just reflect that I had no data.) I believe nowhere else has anyone mapped out these sites over time.


Summer suffragists of Scituate worked at these sites: Judith Smith at NEWC, MWSA, NEWSA, and the Woman's Journal; Meyer Bloomfield at BESAGG.


NEWC=New England Women's Club (sympathetic to suffrage)

MWSA=Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association

NEWSA=New England Woman Suffrage Association

BESAGG=Boston Equal Suffrage Association for Good Government

     (it later became the Boston League of Women Voters)

College Equal Suffrage Association


WJ with masthead, small, Jan 6, 1912, 45

The Woman's Journal was probably the most important suffrage journal in the country. It was published in Boston from its founding in 1870 to 1917, when it moved to New York City and changed its name to The Woman Citizen. Read more about it here. It is site 25 on the Boston Journalism Trail (here).

45 Boutwell Street, in the chart below, was Lucy Stone's house, which she and her husband built in 1872. Alice Stone Blackwell inherited it. It was a center for suffrage activities. It was destroyed by fire in 1966. See also description here.

Suffrage Timeline chart.PNG

The National Park Service has a terrific interactive map, recently updated, of suffrage sites in Boston. Check it out here.

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